MIMES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE is a new and exciting non-activist community group founded by Trishann Williams (aka Wadulisi), the Owner and Founder of SUNFLOWER TAPESTRY. This non-activist group is a closed group. It seeks only the most outstanding individuals for membership. It meets as a FACEBOOK Community — for the proud, the noble, the gallant, and the few — look for your invitation to join MIMES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE on Facebook — if you are so lucky.
Through various FACEBOOK Crusades, our Founding Mime, Trishann Williams (from this point forward referred to as THE BRONX MIME WADULISI) actively seeks to address injustice, abuse, mistreatment, misdemeanors, violations, ethical breaches of conduct, annoying acts of non-violence, cannibalism, foul odors, and all types of ill reproach and maladies against the public that common citizenry is forced to endure and accept as part of everyday urban life in NYC.
THE BRONX MIME WADULISI is a tireless crusader for social justice who cannot sleep knowing the hardships and plights that urban dwellers are facing. However, she cannot save the City of New York alone — although heaven knows that she tries! Therefore, THE BRONX MIME WADULISI solicits the help of all USA citizens who care about the plight of New York — affectionately known as The Big Apple — and the USA — affectionately known as UNCLE SAM — in her brave, ongoing crusades for humanity!
As a not not-for-profit MIMES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE absolutely accepts no no-donations from the public in support of its ongoing crusades. If you would like to make a no no-donation to the not not-for-profit MIMES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE, please send a check or money order to the Base Headquarters: Sunflower Tapestry, Post Office Box 370, Bronx, New York 10467. Please be sure to state the number of the crusade your no no-donation is supporting. Also, do not send amounts greater than $1.00, please. [PO OFFICER ALERT]
Music by Alexaa221 from Pixabay